Kamis, Februari 18, 2010

What is The Project Management?

What is project Man?
-application of knowledge, skill, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements.
-Project management is accomplished through processes, using project management knowledge, skills, tools,and techniques that receive inputs and generate outputs.

Kesuksesan Project menuntut Anggota Tim harus:
• Select appropriate processes within the Project Management Process Groups (also known as Process Groups) that are required to meet the project objectives

• Use a defined approach to adapt the product specifications and plans to meet project andp roduct requirements
• Comply with requirements to meet stakeholder needs, wants and expectations
• Balance the competing demands of scope, time, cost, quality, resources, and risk to produce a quality product.

---sifat manusia semua pingin mudah mengerjakan sesuatu

aspek2 proyek yg sering kontradiksi satu sama lain:
mengawinkan sampai titik optimal scr maksimal

knowledge, skill dan process tdk hrs ditrapka uniform pd semua project
- ada project, yg penting sesuai spec yg ada saja
- ada project yg sangat penting, shg bisa menurunkan seorang pimpinan

Catatan Penting:
This does not mean that the knowledge,
skills and processes described should
always be applied uniformly on all
The project manager, in collaboration with
the project team, is always responsible
for determining what processes are
appropriate, and the appropriate
degree of rigor for each process, for any
given project.

Two major categories of process
Perlu org-org PMO utk setiap project.
Members tetap org PMO 15 org, yg mjd pimpro adl org yg sehari-hari kerja di luar project

Pimpro hrs py pengetahuan: pro man process dan product oriented process
Ada staff yg pure memiliki skill di pro man process ada jg yg di product oriented process

Project Man Process Group, ada 5:
1. initiating define and authorizes(diformalkan) the project or project phase
2. planning: define and refines objectives, and plan the course of action
3. executing process: integrated people and other resource
4. monitoring and control: regularly measured and monitor progress to identify variances
5. closing process: formalizes acceptance of the product

Principle of Process Interaction (Life Cycle)
- PDCA approach sbg basic mendefinisikan complex integration of process groups
- Yg hrs konsisten:pencapaian target. bila tdk sesuai maka plan hrs disesuaikan, kerjakan rencanan, cek apa sesuai rencana.

-nama prohject ini
-budget sekian
-time sekian

-rencanakan detil kerjaan

- eksekusi, planning, eksekusi,

-Project Record: kumpulan history kasus-kasus project yg berisi pengalaman masa lalu

- membuat feasibility study
- dokumen justifikasi project

-mulai sekarang buat kelompok utk muali kerjakan tugas: project charter
-pmdocs, ambil template, yakinkan komplai ke pmbook

Topik: mau kembangkan apa, berupa IT Project dlm kelompok yg terus tetap
Buat dokumen:
1.project charter
2.preliminary project scope
Anggota Kelompok:
1. Agus Ulum Mulyo; agusulum@yahoo.com
2. Suryo Setiyo : s2.kardono@yahoo.co.id
3. Nandang Gunawan: nandanggun@yahoo.co.id
4. Ikhwan M : maulana.ikhwan@gmail.com

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